Archive for Thomas

Hurricane Who Orlando

Wearing my leather jacket, burgundy shirt and black pants, I jumped in the Tardis. I decided to take a trip through time to November 2, 2012, where there was the Hurricane Who Convention going on (All about Doctor Who)

After settling in, I headed down to the convention hall where the dealer’s room was open. There was some awesome stuff including a tardis, a few weeping angels and many people were taking pictures of each other wearing their costumes of different Doctor Who characters. People asked to take my pic/a pic with me and it was so cool. The convention was comprised of different sessions and a masquerade party.

I was so lonely and was looking for a companion to travel in the tardis with me and look who I found (Rose)

People did not care that I was in a wheelchair or that I had a disability. Everyone treated me the same as everyone else, asked to take a picture, talked to me and had a blast. I had so must fun and I learned that if people really wanted to, they could care more about what’s on the inside than what’s on the outside. Instead that is not the case today and people treat people who are different, like they don’t deserve to breathe the same air as them. (BTW it is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside).
Well, I told you how much fun the convention was and hear are a few pictures for you to see.
There was even the cutest little whovian at the convention
This lady with the tardis on wheels won the masquerade costume contest
Don’t blink

The doctor scanning for weeping angels
The universe will explode because two doctors are together at the same time
Remember that there is more in this world then to worry about others, money, and other things that ruin this world. Begin to make this world a better place, kind of like The Doctor does, Squeak, Squeak!

APD Presentation in Orlando at the Faith Based and Community Event:

I was sitting in my comfortable recliner on a Thursday a couple weeks ago, when I received a call from Lane with the Agency for Person with Disabilities.  He explained that Barbara, the director of APD, heard me do my speech accepting the Idelio Valdes Award, at the capital in Tallahassee Florida. She loved my speech so much that she wanted to invite me to a presentation she was doing on October 24, 2012 in Orlando Florida.  She said she wanted me to share my story as well.

I said that I would be glad to do it but the only issue was I had no transportation. Lane told me that he would look into finding me a ride and get back to me. Lane called me back a couple days later to say he found a ride for me. My ride was Clearance, who is a local Marion County APD Employee.

When I got to the presentation room, Barbara and Lane came in and said that it was an honor that I came. Barbara did her presentation about APD and why we all were there. She shared a couple videos, in which one of them was a video of the Ellen Degeneres show where Ellen interviewed a lady with cerebral Palsy and was Ms. Tennessee. What a very inspirational video and it even made me cry. (I want to be on the Ellen show one day, what an honor it would be)

Barbara then introduced me and I did my awesome presentation. Please check out the presentation below: (–j-vpALxU)

This is proof that if you live your life and do extraordinary things, the person you would least expect to call you, asks you to help them with a presentation, do an interview, etc.

We all need the keep squeaking our wheels to make better things happen!


A Driverless Car? Yes!

A Driverless Car, Say Whattt!:

I must be dreaming, pinch me. I had a dream one night about 15 years ago about getting in my own car and telling it where to take me.  Then the car takes me to my destination without me having another person in the car, not even having to touch the wheel or pedals.

Guess what? You may think I am crazy at first, but Google is currently working on a driverless car. Why would anyone need a driverless car and what would be some benefits?

  1. For people who can’t drive, it gives you more freedom to go where you want without counting on anyone else to drive you.
  2. People who are blind or with disabilities that limit them from driving, it gives them freedom and a way to live their own lives without having to count on others all the time.
  3. This will help stop the stupid driving and accidents on the road.
  4. It will stop you from losing your temper due to someone else’s stupidity getting upset changes you in many ways and makes your day horrible.

I don’t know about you, but because I can’t dive, right now, I spend most of my time at home. I get bored out of my mind and wish I can go somewhere. This driverless car will allow me and many others to go anywhere at any time. I can just get my keys, get in car, tell the car where I want to go and sit back while the car takes me to my destination.

The future I getting better and better for so many! Take a look at this video about the driverless car that I found on YouTube and has been on the news

Squeak those wheels because you don’t know but you actions might be something that takes us in a better direction!


A Step Back To Caring

Are you ready to get your socks blown off?

A few days ago I went to the Hollywood 16 movie theater in Ocala Florida, to see Lawless and the most extraordinary thing happened! After the movie was over I had to go to the bathroom so I headed to the bathroom and as I was heading towards the stall, a young kid about seven or eight was coming out and about to pass me. He could have kept on walking but to my surprise the young gentleman walked back and held the stall door open as I entered and then he closed it so I could lock it.

The extraordinary thing was not just that he took the time to step back and perform this awesome gesture, but what was happening at the same time. His family was impatiently waiting outside the bathroom for him, shouting at him to hurry up. WOW, what an amazing thing the kid did and if I ran into him again, I would thank him. The thing is , I never expected help or asked for it.

Now a days, most people are so caught up in themselves that they can not take time out of their own schedule o do something for others, may it be as simple as stepping back to hold the stall door for someone or as more in depth as giving money to help a complete stranger.

Time for us all to change for the better and keep squeaking our wheels until it happens!

Blogging Conference

Earlier this September I went to my very first bloggers conference with my dad and brother.

I have been blogging part-time here and there so you can probably imagine that I was nervous and shaking in my boots, to find out more.

The conference was held at the Orlando Science Center with over 1000 attendees. Beginning with the keynote speaker, Lou Mongello, who is a blogger about Disney this and Disney that. He talked about how he began blogging about his passion which was Disney. He then went on to explain that you can quit your job if you want and go blogging full time. Now you are probably saying, “What about money, how am I going to pay my bills just blogging?” Lou explained how bloggers monetize their blogs in many ways, sponsors, donations, sell ads, etc.

After the Keynote speaker, we all headed out to different sessions that were held throughout the day. The sessions I went to in the morning, were Basics of monetizing a blog, navigating facebook promotions and using SEO to improve your blog being found in Google, etc.

Everyone then headed off downstairs about 1 pm, to lunch, provided by Bahama Breeze, and my dad, brother and I were led to an elevator that brought us downstairs where lunch was being served. That elevator was the biggest elevator I ever seen, of course it was a freight elevator.

We had to wait until 2:30 pm for the next session, since we did not want to participate in the yoga session, even though it might have been good for me. We spent the time after lunch talking to other bloggers about what they blog about, what things do they do that keep their fans coming back, etc.

2:30 pm came and my dad and I headed upstairs to the session on Blogging for a Cause. Laura, who was the speaker, spoke about how she has spina bifida and blogs about it. She says to blog about your passion. Laura told us how she was in New York for a convention and the hotel was not accessible to people with disabilities, so she wrote a letter to the hotel and also blogged about it. The hotel manager contacted her and explained that they were sorry and that because of her actions, they already started making the hotel more accessible for all. To learn more about Laura, check out her blog at

We attended a few more sessions and then headed back home. After attending this great conference, I decided to try blogging full-time.

I would be happy to share a story you have, life issues, overcoming obstacles, disabilities and also if you want me to speak about a specific topic on this blog. Please comment below and make it a great day.

Voting, What a Concept!

Do know the importance of voting?

We as the American people run our country, not the president, congress, etc. We make the laws for our country and elect who we think will be good leaders. So did you vote and will you vote?

We have a current election for president coming up in 2012. This is a very important action you need to take because voting for who you want as our countries different leaders, will be what will help change the world and make a future for so many. Make sure you are a voice for people with disabilities.

You need to research and stay up on the candidates. Putting the wrong people as leaders might be a horrible thing that might tear this country apart.

Research the candidates and when it comes time to vote in 2012, make sure you show up and make your vote!

We as a people can make this world a better place so keep on squeaking those wheels!!!

Putting Others First

You are probably saying, “What does he mean put others first, it is my life.”

Yes it is your life but when you put others first, favors of all sorts  eventually return. People have a very hard time putting others before themselves. Let’s say someone could make lots of money even though they are doing well, but another person is really struggling and could use the money more.  Alot of people will take the money for themselves and let the person who is struggling, keep struggling. That is totally screwed up and needs to change, if you can give a person a better life by putting yourself on the back burner and allowing whatever it is to help that other person, than do it without hesitation!

We are going to struggle but won’t it be a better world and make you feel better that you gave others a better future and put yourself last?

I am not saying to forget about yourself, no you can and should make your life amazing, but make someone else’s life better first.

Squeak those wheels and don’t ever give up on your goals and dreams!


Do You Want to Accomplish Something or Achieve a Goal?

There are many people in this world that want great things for their life, but they don’t do anything to get there.

You are responsible for your own life! Your mind is a powerful thing, when you focus on positive and “yes you can will thoughts”, things you focus on will most likely become something.

Here are 4 steps you should take to accomplish your goals/what you want:

  1. Change your mindset:  Things start and end with your mind. Think about what you want and that nothing is going to stop you from getting it. Let’s say you want to exercise and get stronger, if you sit on your butt and have thoughts like, “I will do it tomorrow” then you will never going to get stronger and get what you want. Now if you think like you are unstoppable and nothing will get in your way, then you will be one step closer to getting what you want.
  2. Write down your goals and things you want:  Thinking about goals and what you want is good but that does not make it so. When you write your goals and what you want, plus map out how you will get there, you are telling yourself that you know what you need to do and how to get there.
  3. Take action/Follow through:  This is one of the most important steps! You may be interesting in something or want something, but if you do nothing about getting it then you are wasting your own time. Taking action/following through tells yourself and the universe that you are dedicated to get what you want and that you will not let anything stand in your way. Take action, get off your butt and go after what you  want!
  4. Keep at it/do not quit: Doing the other steps are great and will get you on your way, but if you quit then it has all been useless. Sticking with something and not letting obstacles stop you from getting what you want, will be the final push you need to accomplish your goal and get you what you want.

Now that you know these steps, think about your life and what you really want out of it/why are you here? I know you can do it and go far if you want it and put e very fiber of your body to getting there and beyond.

Keep at it and keep squeaking those wheels, even when obstacles try and get in your way because all those obstacles around you are there to make you stronger.

Batman Movies on the Big Screen

When is the last time you went to the movies and seen someone in a wheelchair?

You don’t see it often but I saw at least three people in wheelchairs at the opening night of the Dark Night Rises movie, in which they played the first two movies as well in a row.

I was shocked when I first saw them rolling in but excited at the same time. This could be a sign that people with disabilities are finally getting out into the community and living their life, no matter what anyone says to them. I believe that we all as humans may be different than each other but it should not stop anyone from living their life and treating others like they would themselves.

I want to see many more people in wheelchairs and with disabilities, when I go the the movies, events, to play pool, etc!

I am going to keep squeaking until it happens!!!

Azmyth Concert

Have you ever been to a concert even though you may be in a wheelchair?

Well I have been to a couple and it is amazing. I was at a concert a couple a weeks ago by Azmyth and a few other rock bands.

I was first invited to an Azmyth concert by the band leader. He told me that he invited me because he likes my great attitude and all the things I do in the community. At this concert with my great friends/band members, Tim, Alex and the others, I had a blast. It was great seeing them again and of course getting out of the house.  However, the best thing was being the only guy in the crowd with a wheelchair and I was rocking out with the music.

I love showing people that even though someone may be different and have some limitations, they ae still like everyone else and can live a normal life with maybe some help here and there.

Get off that butt and start doing because even though I love being the only person in a wheelchair in the crowd, I would love to see others in wheelchairs and with disabilities out there living their life.

Squeak, Squeak, Squeak!