Tag Archive for acceptance

FIU offers program for students with special needes

WEST MIAMI-DADE, Fla. (WSVN) — A local school is giving students with special needs the opportunity to go to college.

Florida International University started it’s Project Panther Life for intellectually disabled students. “It’s important for people to realize that an intellectual disability does not limit you from so many other things that you can do in your life” said a Liliana Demoya, a mother who helped start the program.

Showing Disabilities in a Fun and Meaningful Way

Can you have a talent even though you have a disability?  Of course you can.

I saw this great news story about a man with Cerebral Palsy and a friend without a disability, who go to school together. They thought of this idea of getting awareness out about disabilities and to be entertaining at the same time.  They have a show called “HandicapThis”.  It is a mix of music and humor.

Do you have a talent you can show others? Get out there and show the world. It does not matter if it is at a talent show, stage play, on the news, etc.

You have the power to live a fantastic life.  Live it Big! I am thinking of becoming a comedian. I say that if you have it then show it off.

Watch this news story and make the decision to squeak those wheels and live your life to the fullest!

“Handicap This”  


Living On Your Own With a Disability

Have you ever wanted to live on your own?  What is stopping you?

I moved out of my parent’s house a couple years ago and into my own apartment. I love it because I can do what I want.  I also have a lot more freedom and feel like another member of society!

There are minimal services that I receive from APD.  I have people that come in to help me with cooking, cleaning, shopping, getting into community and more.

I do different things now because of the freedom.  I hold get togethers in my apartment.  I go out to things in community with friends, go where I want and more. I can do this because I did not let my disability hold me back!

You can have this as well.  Do not listening to those who say you can’t do.  Do what you know you can. I know it is hard because you have a disability, but it is only a small obstacle. Move out on your own, find people who will help you shop, clean, get into community and whatever else you need help with. There are state agencies, people from church, friends, family and more that you can get help from to live on your own.

Today is the last day of letting your disability and others hold you back!!! It is your life so squeak those wheels and get out into society.


Nothing Should Stop You

I was out in town this week and saw many people with disabilities. People with disabilities are finally deciding to get out in the world and not stay at home.  That is great.

Here is my week.  This shows you that I do not let my disability keep me at home.

Monday – I went food shopping.  I saw others with disabilities shopping as well. (They have to eat too)

Tuesday – I went to the mall to hang out all day.  While I was eating my lunch, a lady in a wheelchair comes rolling by.

Wednesday – I was just hanging in town and saw at least 5 people with disabilities.

Thursday – I stayed at home to work on MoonScapes Web Solutions my business.

Friday – I went out to Amscot and when I was getting back in the car a lady pulled up who had a disability and her car was all rigged up so she can get her chair in and out and transfer to it.

What a great week!

This shows that yes even though people with disabilities have struggles, with the proper accommodations, they can live a normal life.  After reading this are you going to get off your butt and get out of the house?

I know you can do it and every day encourage you to! I went water skiing, am taking a class on scuba diving and next will probably try parasailing.

No more excuses!!! You can do it and the world can include you and treat you like anyone else. Squeak those wheels until it happens.

What Is Cancer?

Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases in which cells in a part of the body begin to grow out of control. Although there are many kinds of cancer, they all start because abnormal cells grow out of control. Untreated cancers can cause serious illness and even death.

Cancer can affect all even people with disabilities. People with disabilities already have so much crap to deal with, if cancer is added to that it makes it a 24/7 nightmare. Let us all stand together and work to end cancer.  Let’s get people with disabilities into the community and being part of society!

I decided to start a team again this year for Relay For Life/American Cancer Society. Even though I have a disability, I still participate in community events like this and   more. YOU CAN TOO!

Here is a great song/video done by Martina McBride

To find out more about Relay For Life/American Cancer Society, click here.

I have family and friends who have cancer or are survivors. That is one reason I participate in Relay For Life and started Team Rocker Walkers. I would love to get your participation and the participation of others with disabilities.  Come out to Relay and show that even though you have a disability, we can participate in normal events and become productive members of!

I believe that everyone with a disability can do and should get out there in the world and Live Their Life.

Keep squeaking your wheels because one day you will be included and not looked down on!

Carly Fleishmann – Girl With Autism

Anyone who deals with the disabled knows that there is more to them than meets the eye.  They amaze us everyday and continue to amaze us with their insights and actions.

This is a great video that reminds us to never give up and to keep advocating for those who have special needs or are different.

Carly – Keep Squeaking Those Wheels. Way to go!

Friendship is Huge

I don’t know if you ever thought about how friendship is a major part of life!

Living with a disability and making friends can be very difficult. People assume you are nothing so they don’t even take the chance to come up to you and start a conversation. This needs to change because people with disabilities are like anyone else and can make wonderful friends.

Let’s take my life for example.  I am in a wheelchair and people rarely approach me until I approach them. This is frustrating, but over the years I have made some awesome friends.

One friend I knew from college reconnected and we started chatting about 10 months ago. We went to a couple charity and business events, and had a great time! We became such great friends that we started hanging out a lot.  I even made her dinner. She is such a great friend and friends like her are what make your life better. I just want to say thank you for being my friend!

I also met my good friend Judy who was on the Florida Developmental Disability Council. I met her through my dad and we are hopefully going to be working together on some disability awareness projects.

I also want to mention a few more friends that I have done things with.  We go to the movies, to the comedy club, to events and more. Shout out to two ladies I met through my friend Joel Weisner from What’s Up Ocala.

I been feeling lately that I have to do some soul searching and find a relationship.  However, I have decided that finding friends is more important right now.

I want you to know that great friends are important and will go far with you. Sometimes when you are with your friends both you and they forget about your disability and you are just another one of the guys.

Go out and make you some friends and remember to keep squeaking you wheels!

Who Needs People?

I was going around today and this popped into my mind. Are women, men and all people just out there for themselves and not giving a crap about anyone else?

Some people open up there lives and let you into it. They help you in times of need, pray for you, fight for you, and sometimes die for you.  They basically give up a lot of their life to help someone else.  They give up part of their life to give someone a better life.

Most people still blow them off and do not act thankful.

Let me give you some examples in my life. I have a disability which is a major obstacle in our society.  I usually open up my heart to everyone and try and help them have the best life they can.  However, I find that even though I do that, people just shrug me off.

I find this interesting.  People say they admire me, look up to me and like what I do.  However, when they need something they know I can help them with, rather than go with me or sometimes even talk to me, they go with someone else. How so very frustrating!!!

People with disabilities try to live like everyone else in this world. We want to be part of society, help the economy and so much more. We just want to be like everyone else.  What is wrong with this world?

I am getting to a point that if it continues this way, I will stop opening up my heart and do whatever the heck I want! I try and help everyone I can.

Sometimes I want to be more apart of people’s life but they keep pushing me to the side. I am sick of it!!!! This world needs to wake up. We can all be better human beings!!!

Look at yourself and the world.  Keep squeaking until the world finally wakes up.