Tag Archive for florida

Keeping All Students Safe Act

Child In Florida School Being Restrained

Can you imagine we need Federal legislation to keep children with disabilities safe in our public schools.  That is almost unimaginable.

What is even more unimaginable is that the children need to be kept safe from their teachers and other school personnel.  Wow – sad but true.

Last year in Florida there were over 10,000 incidents of restraint in our public schools.  Nearly 5,000 were on students with disabilities in pre-K to 3rd grade.

If the states will not protect the most vulnerable children in our schools then I guess it is time for the Feds to step in and protect them.

The Keeping All Students Safe Act was introduced in the Senate by Chairman Tom Harkin this afternoon.  Chairman Harkin has shown an unwavering commitment to the safety and welfare of our nation’s children. This bill would promote the development of effective intervention and prevention practices that do not impose restraints and seclusion; protect all students from physical or mental abuse, aversive behavioral interventions that compromise health and safety, and any restraint imposed for purposes of coercion, discipline or convenience, or as a substitute for appropriate educational or positive behavioral interventions and supports.  Importantly the bill also works to ensure the safety of all students and school personnel and promote positive school culture and climate.

For more information on the Keeping All Students Safe Act.

Keep squeaking those wheels.  School is not supposed to hurt.


APD Statement on Governor’s Proposed Budget

From our friend Aaron Nangel.

Statement on Governor’s Budget Proposal by  Agency for Persons with Disabilities Director Mike Hansen.

The Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) is very pleased with Governor Scott’s budget proposal released recently.

The governor has once again shown that being fiscally responsible does not mean lessening our commitment to the state’s most vulnerable citizens, said APD Director Mike Hansen.

This budget proposal increases recurring General Revenue funding by $26 million to meet the needs of the 30,000 Floridians with developmental disabilities currently receiving services under the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Medicaid waiver.

Also included is $83 million in additional funding to cover the current projected shortfall in waiver funding, said Hansen. “The governor’s proposal also requires the agency to tighten its belt and find greater efficiencies by reducing positions and funding for administration,” said Hansen.

See the Governor’s budget proposal.

Note there is no mention of the Wait List.

We can never stop squeaking our wheels.


19,000 Or More Florida Disabled on Med Waiver Waiting List

Headline from an online news source.

19,000 reported on Florida Developmental Disabilities (DD) waiting list.

This is not news or anything new.  The disabled have been under served for many years.  Under served is a polite way to the say that the State of Florida is ignoring the needs of the disabled. By their actions it is evident that Florida and its legislators would prefer the disabled just disappear – go away – stop existing and stop being such a problem.

19,000 is a large number to ignore and leave with no services.

What the State of Florida – What Rick Scott – What the Legislature – do not realize is that they will not go away.  They will keep drawing attention to the needs of the most vulnerable citizens in Florida.

One day and I hope it is soon – the citizens of Florida will insist that the disabled no longer be ignored.

In the meantime we will keep squeaking our wheels.  They can not ignore us forever.


APD Director Mike Hansen Updates on APD Budget

From our friend and fellow advocate Aaron Nangle of WaiverProvider.com.

APD Director Mike Hansen Gave Updates on APD budget at House committee meeting.

On November 15, APD Director Michael Hansen made a presentation to the House Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee on actions the agency is taking to bring its Medicaid waiver within appropriations.
He talks in depth about how APD is working hard to get the budget under control. I do hope many of you took the time to see this meeting. I do have to say in my opinion Mr Hansen did let our legislators know they are not providing us with enough funds to provide the proper care that people need. He let them know that the waiver needs another 1,000,000.00 Also that the cuts and funding is all up to them to control.
He talked about how some cost plans will be cut in half. “Yes cut in half” He talked about people only having core services and not non core services. It is important for you to know what they are and how it will affect you.
As you look at the slide shows you will see information on what Mr. Hanson went over with the legislators at this meeting. If you do not agree with what you see and what is happening it is up to each and every one of you to call, write and go see all of your representatives. Let them know your thoughts and opinions. Tell them how this will affect you and your families health, safety and well being.
Aaron and all advocates – keep us informed and keep squeaking your wheels.

Being Old, Disabled Or Vulnerable In Florida Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

You can abuse and neglect the disabled at an Assisted Living Facility in Florida – and you can still continue to run or work at the facility.  Yes, that is true.  There is no statute or administrative rule that prevents someone who has been held responsible for the abuse, neglect or even death of a resident of an ALF from being banned from running or working at an ALF.

Couple this with the fact that Governor Scott fired the head of the Long Term Ombudsman Council for being too aggressive in pursing complaints against  Florida Nursing Homes and other care facilities – and being disabled or aged in Florida can be dangerous to your health.

Rick Scott has formed a panel to look into the possibilities that care facilities for the aged and disabled may be harming our citizens.  Of course this is the same man who put the owner of a large chain of nursing homes in charge of the entity responsible to oversee and handle complaints from nursing homes.  The foxes are running the hen house.  We can expect no more from any commission that our Governor sets up.

The Miami Herald ran a series called Neglected to Death.  This investigated and documented numerous cases of abuse in our ALF’s and nursing homes.

This series ran in May and our vulnerable elderly and disabled are still without adequate protection.

At one time the State of Florida had the Human Rights Council and later the Florida Local Advocacy Council to oversee complaints and conditions in facilities for the disabled and elderly.  These were volunteers with no vested interested who gave of their time to inspect and investigate complaints and conditions.  They reported to the Governor’s office.

However, like the Ombudsman Council they were too aggressive and found too many problems with facilities that provided care to the vulnerable in our state.  Two years ago the council was abolished.  We no longer have a third party organization, or any organization for that matter, concerned with Human Rights Violations.

Being old or vulnerable in Florida can be hazardous to your health.

Governor Scott step up and appoint a third party organization to review Human Rights Violations.  It needs to be an organization of volunteers who have no vested or monetary interest in Nursing Homes, ALF’s or other facilities.

Make Florida a safe place for our elderly, disabled and vulnerable citizens.

Keep squeaking those wheels.

Previously posted on View From The Dark Side Of The Moon blog.

Living On Your Own With a Disability

Have you ever wanted to live on your own?  What is stopping you?

I moved out of my parent’s house a couple years ago and into my own apartment. I love it because I can do what I want.  I also have a lot more freedom and feel like another member of society!

There are minimal services that I receive from APD.  I have people that come in to help me with cooking, cleaning, shopping, getting into community and more.

I do different things now because of the freedom.  I hold get togethers in my apartment.  I go out to things in community with friends, go where I want and more. I can do this because I did not let my disability hold me back!

You can have this as well.  Do not listening to those who say you can’t do.  Do what you know you can. I know it is hard because you have a disability, but it is only a small obstacle. Move out on your own, find people who will help you shop, clean, get into community and whatever else you need help with. There are state agencies, people from church, friends, family and more that you can get help from to live on your own.

Today is the last day of letting your disability and others hold you back!!! It is your life so squeak those wheels and get out into society.


SB 144: Seclusion and Restraint on Students With Disabilities in Public Schools

Child In Florida School Being Restrained

Again this year we try to enact legislation that will help reduce the harmful and often abusive seclusion and restraint of our children with disabilities in our public schools.

Senator Anitere Flores is sponsoring SB 144.  Seclusion and Restraint on Students with Disabilities in Public Shools.

In a nutshell the legislation will do the following:

Seclusion and Restraint on Students With Disabilities in Public Schools; Requiring that manual physical restraint be used only in an emergency when there is an imminent risk of serious injury or death to the student or others; providing restrictions on the use of manual physical restraint; prohibiting the use of manual physical restraint by school personnel who are not certified to use district-approved methods for applying restraint techniques; requiring that each school medically evaluate a student after the student is manually physically restrained; prohibiting school personnel from placing a student in seclusion; providing requirements for the use of time-out; requiring that a school district report its training and certification procedures to the Department of Education, etc.

In the 2010 – 2011 School year we had over 10,000 incidents of restraint reported in our public schools.

Thank you Sen Flores for sponsoring this legislation.  We need to protect our children.

Remember School Is Not Supposed To Hurt.

Keep squeaking those wheels.  Ask your legislator to support or co-sponsor this legislation.



Nothing Should Stop You

I was out in town this week and saw many people with disabilities. People with disabilities are finally deciding to get out in the world and not stay at home.  That is great.

Here is my week.  This shows you that I do not let my disability keep me at home.

Monday – I went food shopping.  I saw others with disabilities shopping as well. (They have to eat too)

Tuesday – I went to the mall to hang out all day.  While I was eating my lunch, a lady in a wheelchair comes rolling by.

Wednesday – I was just hanging in town and saw at least 5 people with disabilities.

Thursday – I stayed at home to work on MoonScapes Web Solutions my business.

Friday – I went out to Amscot and when I was getting back in the car a lady pulled up who had a disability and her car was all rigged up so she can get her chair in and out and transfer to it.

What a great week!

This shows that yes even though people with disabilities have struggles, with the proper accommodations, they can live a normal life.  After reading this are you going to get off your butt and get out of the house?

I know you can do it and every day encourage you to! I went water skiing, am taking a class on scuba diving and next will probably try parasailing.

No more excuses!!! You can do it and the world can include you and treat you like anyone else. Squeak those wheels until it happens.

No More Cuts –

From Tallahassee – Florida Senate ponders cuts for developmentally disabled.

No more cuts. The disabled are already shouldering more than their share of budget cuts.

Read the full story.


What Is Cancer?

Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases in which cells in a part of the body begin to grow out of control. Although there are many kinds of cancer, they all start because abnormal cells grow out of control. Untreated cancers can cause serious illness and even death.

Cancer can affect all even people with disabilities. People with disabilities already have so much crap to deal with, if cancer is added to that it makes it a 24/7 nightmare. Let us all stand together and work to end cancer.  Let’s get people with disabilities into the community and being part of society!

I decided to start a team again this year for Relay For Life/American Cancer Society. Even though I have a disability, I still participate in community events like this and   more. YOU CAN TOO!

Here is a great song/video done by Martina McBride

To find out more about Relay For Life/American Cancer Society, click here.

I have family and friends who have cancer or are survivors. That is one reason I participate in Relay For Life and started Team Rocker Walkers. I would love to get your participation and the participation of others with disabilities.  Come out to Relay and show that even though you have a disability, we can participate in normal events and become productive members of!

I believe that everyone with a disability can do and should get out there in the world and Live Their Life.

Keep squeaking your wheels because one day you will be included and not looked down on!