Archive for Growing Up Disabled

APD Presentation in Orlando at the Faith Based and Community Event:

I was sitting in my comfortable recliner on a Thursday a couple weeks ago, when I received a call from Lane with the Agency for Person with Disabilities.  He explained that Barbara, the director of APD, heard me do my speech accepting the Idelio Valdes Award, at the capital in Tallahassee Florida. She loved my speech so much that she wanted to invite me to a presentation she was doing on October 24, 2012 in Orlando Florida.  She said she wanted me to share my story as well.

I said that I would be glad to do it but the only issue was I had no transportation. Lane told me that he would look into finding me a ride and get back to me. Lane called me back a couple days later to say he found a ride for me. My ride was Clearance, who is a local Marion County APD Employee.

When I got to the presentation room, Barbara and Lane came in and said that it was an honor that I came. Barbara did her presentation about APD and why we all were there. She shared a couple videos, in which one of them was a video of the Ellen Degeneres show where Ellen interviewed a lady with cerebral Palsy and was Ms. Tennessee. What a very inspirational video and it even made me cry. (I want to be on the Ellen show one day, what an honor it would be)

Barbara then introduced me and I did my awesome presentation. Please check out the presentation below: (–j-vpALxU)

This is proof that if you live your life and do extraordinary things, the person you would least expect to call you, asks you to help them with a presentation, do an interview, etc.

We all need the keep squeaking our wheels to make better things happen!


A Step Back To Caring

Are you ready to get your socks blown off?

A few days ago I went to the Hollywood 16 movie theater in Ocala Florida, to see Lawless and the most extraordinary thing happened! After the movie was over I had to go to the bathroom so I headed to the bathroom and as I was heading towards the stall, a young kid about seven or eight was coming out and about to pass me. He could have kept on walking but to my surprise the young gentleman walked back and held the stall door open as I entered and then he closed it so I could lock it.

The extraordinary thing was not just that he took the time to step back and perform this awesome gesture, but what was happening at the same time. His family was impatiently waiting outside the bathroom for him, shouting at him to hurry up. WOW, what an amazing thing the kid did and if I ran into him again, I would thank him. The thing is , I never expected help or asked for it.

Now a days, most people are so caught up in themselves that they can not take time out of their own schedule o do something for others, may it be as simple as stepping back to hold the stall door for someone or as more in depth as giving money to help a complete stranger.

Time for us all to change for the better and keep squeaking our wheels until it happens!

Florida – Rate of physical restraints in schools is alarming

From a post on

Putting Others First

You are probably saying, “What does he mean put others first, it is my life.”

Yes it is your life but when you put others first, favors of all sorts  eventually return. People have a very hard time putting others before themselves. Let’s say someone could make lots of money even though they are doing well, but another person is really struggling and could use the money more.  Alot of people will take the money for themselves and let the person who is struggling, keep struggling. That is totally screwed up and needs to change, if you can give a person a better life by putting yourself on the back burner and allowing whatever it is to help that other person, than do it without hesitation!

We are going to struggle but won’t it be a better world and make you feel better that you gave others a better future and put yourself last?

I am not saying to forget about yourself, no you can and should make your life amazing, but make someone else’s life better first.

Squeak those wheels and don’t ever give up on your goals and dreams!


Can cameras protect special-needs kids from abuse?

A Fox news story from Texas.

More school districts and states are looking at cameras as a way to protect children with disabilities in our schools.

It is sad that we have to resort to monitoring or spying on teachers to ensure they do not abuse the children they are supposed to be caring for and teaching.

Do You Want to Accomplish Something or Achieve a Goal?

There are many people in this world that want great things for their life, but they don’t do anything to get there.

You are responsible for your own life! Your mind is a powerful thing, when you focus on positive and “yes you can will thoughts”, things you focus on will most likely become something.

Here are 4 steps you should take to accomplish your goals/what you want:

  1. Change your mindset:  Things start and end with your mind. Think about what you want and that nothing is going to stop you from getting it. Let’s say you want to exercise and get stronger, if you sit on your butt and have thoughts like, “I will do it tomorrow” then you will never going to get stronger and get what you want. Now if you think like you are unstoppable and nothing will get in your way, then you will be one step closer to getting what you want.
  2. Write down your goals and things you want:  Thinking about goals and what you want is good but that does not make it so. When you write your goals and what you want, plus map out how you will get there, you are telling yourself that you know what you need to do and how to get there.
  3. Take action/Follow through:  This is one of the most important steps! You may be interesting in something or want something, but if you do nothing about getting it then you are wasting your own time. Taking action/following through tells yourself and the universe that you are dedicated to get what you want and that you will not let anything stand in your way. Take action, get off your butt and go after what you  want!
  4. Keep at it/do not quit: Doing the other steps are great and will get you on your way, but if you quit then it has all been useless. Sticking with something and not letting obstacles stop you from getting what you want, will be the final push you need to accomplish your goal and get you what you want.

Now that you know these steps, think about your life and what you really want out of it/why are you here? I know you can do it and go far if you want it and put e very fiber of your body to getting there and beyond.

Keep at it and keep squeaking those wheels, even when obstacles try and get in your way because all those obstacles around you are there to make you stronger.

Interview On WOCA Radio

WOCA 96.7FM & 1370AM

You can here the interview here.

Friday July 6 was my interview on WOCA to talk about my book, “The Squeaky Wheelchair.”

I had a great time on the radio and loved I inspire so many people. You may think that you can’t do thinks because of your disability, struggles, etc. but you CAN!  I have faith in you and know that if you just went out and tried things, you will be amazed and show others that you can.

Think about this quote and starting moving towards a better future, “How Bad Do You Want It?”

Squeak those wheels and grow your interdependence!

Family Café (part 2)

Saturday has arrived. We woke up at around 7 A.M. and I struggled out of the high, hotel room bed. Two beds were next to each other with a good size gap in between.

I was sitting up and about to transfer to my wheelchair when I lost footing and fell to the group. I was working hard to get up but I finally got up and sat in my wheelchair. After that we all got ready and went downstairs to the exhibit hall.  There I r-opened my booth but took some time to look around while I waited for people to start showing up. People start showing up and all throughout the day I had people come up to my booth for info and to buy my book.

Soon it was 1 P.M. which was an hour before I had to be upstairs to do my presentation. A few minutes later I saw my great friends Andrew and Jaime who I got to meet in my Partners in Policy Making class of 2010. We chatted for a while and then they went to look around as I ran my booth some more. 2 P.M. came along it was time to head upstairs for my presentation and get setup. You can hear my presentation below.

My presentation went great and I decided to go see my friends Heather and Michelle’s presentation on service dogs. After their wonderful presentation we all got together and decided to go to Golden Coral for dinner, great dinner with conversation.

Saturday ended and we were ready for Sunday to come so we can pack up to leave and go to Disney with my great friend Heather.

Great time, great life and more, you can have it too but you have to work for it!

Family Café (part 1):

You are probably asking what Family Café is. No, it’s not a restaurant but an amazing annual conference.

The Family Cafe Annual Conference began with a simple idea. Why not bring together individuals with disabilities and their families with state agencies, non-profit organizations and other service providers.  This was done so families could network with each other, learn what services are available to them, and find out the best way to go about accessing those services. The conference provides a unique environment where families could connect with peers, commercial service providers, and public entities. The Family Cafe has always believed that well-informed people make the best possible decisions for themselves and their loved ones. Our Annual Conference provides the opportunity to put that principle into action.

That initial vision has spawned the largest state-wide conference of its kind in the nation. The 14th Annual Family Cafe Conference, which occurred this past June, hosted more than 7,800 people, and included 160 educational sessions.

On June 14 my dad, nephew and I headed down to Orlando the day before the conference started. We checked in and waited in our hotel room until we could go set up my booth. We went downstairs and met my great friends Heather and Michelle.  We all walked down to the exhibit hall to set up my booth and my friend’s booth.

After we set up our booth we got together in the lobby and waited for my friends to get ready for dinner. My friend Jennifer, Heather and Michelle came to dinner with us at Don Pablo’s. We all had a great dinner with great conversation.


We went back to hotel and decided to hang out by the pool. I put on my swimsuit and went down to the pool to swim. We decided to head to bed since it was getting late.

Friday arose and it was time to register and go down to the exhibit hall to run my booth. I set out my new book I wrote called, “The Squeaky Wheelchair” and put out all my literature for my motivational speaking tour and contact info. The day went along as I met a lot of people and sold and autographed about ten books.

I was getting tired so all my friends decided we wanted to get together again and go to dinner. We went to dinner and again had a great night of friends and conversation. Again it was time for bed since we had to get up early for presenting and running my booth.

Stay tuned for more of this great conference story/adventure.

Squeak, I think I need some WD 40.


Previous 10 special needs of special needs parents

Great blog from a mom raising a child with a disability.  Check out her blog on

“As a mother to two little girls who have Down syndrome, I need parents of typically developing kids to know something.

I have needs.”

Read more.