Call the Doctor:

Woosh, woosh, woosh here comes the Tardis.

Have you heard of the fantastic show Doctor Who?  If so, please leave a comment below with a Doctor Who saying and if not leave a comment about your thoughts on this blog.

There is a Doctor Who convention called Hurricane Who, in November. Fans from all around come to this convention dressed as a character in Doctor Who. I went last year as the ninth doctor but this year, I will be going as my creation of the 13th doctor. Just so you understand, in the show the doctors regenerate into a new doctor and they are up to the eleventh doctor. They are about to regenerate the eleventh into the twelfth.

They are not even up to the twelfth doctor and I am going as the thirteenth. Most fans go as a past or current character. I will be doing a skit with my version of the twelfth doctor regenerating. I can’t wait to see how everyone likes my costume and skit.

Let’s just say that the new doctor will have some new wheels and some Dalek juice.

The way I look at Doctor Who is it portrays that there can be a better world. People have dug themselves in such holes that this world is crumbling. We all need to wake up and start living our lives   to the fullest, helping others who need it, giving money to help a complete stranger, and not having everyone so afraid of a gun because it might be in someone else’s hand that could hurt them.

We are the world, not me! Start squeaking your wheels!

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