APD Director Mike Hansen Updates on APD Budget

From our friend and fellow advocate Aaron Nangle of WaiverProvider.com.

APD Director Mike Hansen Gave Updates on APD budget at House committee meeting.

On November 15, APD Director Michael Hansen made a presentation to the House Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee on actions the agency is taking to bring its Medicaid waiver within appropriations.
He talks in depth about how APD is working hard to get the budget under control. I do hope many of you took the time to see this meeting. I do have to say in my opinion Mr Hansen did let our legislators know they are not providing us with enough funds to provide the proper care that people need. He let them know that the waiver needs another 1,000,000.00 Also that the cuts and funding is all up to them to control.
He talked about how some cost plans will be cut in half. “Yes cut in half” He talked about people only having core services and not non core services. It is important for you to know what they are and how it will affect you.
As you look at the slide shows you will see information on what Mr. Hanson went over with the legislators at this meeting. If you do not agree with what you see and what is happening it is up to each and every one of you to call, write and go see all of your representatives. Let them know your thoughts and opinions. Tell them how this will affect you and your families health, safety and well being.
Aaron and all advocates – keep us informed and keep squeaking your wheels.

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